31 dezembro 2010

Rita Redshoes - You Should Go

So where did you go, I wanna hear your voice again
since it's another time, it's another place, it's another scene
where can I find that little hope inside your heart
May I have the chance to break all the fears I've built up in your mind

Can you remember what you said?
Cuz I have those words inside my head
Now I can hear my song

This is the road you want to take
There's some kind of things there you must break with
I know it's not:
Your Heart, can't go without chant

So what do you know?
About a life you never lived
Don't you know too much to forgive yourself for something you can give

I guess you should go
And live behind uncertain dreams
Don't you plain the world, Listen to your heart, Life is quite it seems

Can you remember what you said?
Cuz I have those words inside my head
Now I can hear my song

This is the road you want to take
There's some kind of things there you must break with
I know it's not:
Your Heart, can't go without chant

So where did you go?
I wanna hear your voice again
It's another time, It's another place, It's another scene

And where can I find?
That little hope inside your heart
May I have the chance to break all the fears I've built up in your mind

23 dezembro 2010

The Nativity (BBC1, 2010)

Tatiana Maslany como Maria e Andrew Buchan como José protagonizam a adaptação da BBC One (2010) sobre a história Bíblica da concepção e nascimento de Jesus.

Em 4 partes (120 minutos) são-nos apresentados: a convulsão política vivida em Jerusalém no reinado de Herodes; o princípio da relação entre Maria e José; a anunciação e restantes intervenções do Arcanjo Gabriel (sonho a José, aparição aos pastores); a viagem dos 3 magos; o dilema de José quando fica a saber da gravidez de Maria e a rejeição da população que põe em perigo Maria e que a obriga a fugir para Belém.

A história é enternecedora, simples e representada de forma despretensiosa. José surge como um homem que não compreende como é que a sua amada o pode ter traído com outro homem e custa-lhe acreditar na sua história da Anunciação. Mas quando se vê compelido a proteger Maria da multidão, cumpre a sua promessa de nunca a abandonar, intento que é reforçado pelo sonho onde Gabriel confirma as palavras de Maria.

Já em Belém, José enfrenta a rejeição da família e desespera até encontrar alguém que ajude ao parto de Jesus. Apenas uma cigana auxilia o jovem casal que findo o nascimento recebe a visita dos pastores e dos 3 magos.

Nasce o Messias!

São estas histórias que fazem o Natal, que lhe dão significado. Não são as compras, a comida, os enfeites... é o presépio, o pé nu de uma criança nascida num curral, embrulhado num trapo.

Charles Le Brun The Adoration of Shepherds

19 dezembro 2010

Christmas Eve/ Sarajevo (Trans-Siberian Orchestra)

in an old city bar
that is never too far
from the places that gather
the dreams that have been

in the safety of night
with it's old neon light
it beckons to strangers
and they always come in

and the snow it was falling
the neon was calling
the music was low
and the night
christmas eve

and here was the danger
that even with strangers
inside of this night
it was easier to believe

for it was into this bar
that i happened to wander
to stare into a glass
and my universe ponder

so i walked up to the counter
shook the snow off my coat
then i ordered a whiskey
that i used like a moat

but an old man soon joined me
and asked if i knew the time
one word led to another
and somehow i didn't mind

then he offered a drink
from a bottle 'neath his coat
and he smiled a little smile
as it trickled down my throat

and i felt myself relaxing
here among the ghosts that failed
then the old man topped my glass off
and began this little tale

in the moments of our lives
both the joyous and the tragic
if the truth is to be told
we are all pursuing magic

and the magic that we seek
as we're sure you have discovered
can be found in certain places
far more easily than others

in the sand beneath the sphinx
in the dreams of candlelight
but the surest place of all
is in the forgiving world of night

and of all the nights throughout the year
that come and gently leave
none hold the dream of magic
like the evening, christmas eve

and so it's on this night
with it's promise deep within
as the snow now starts to fall
our story does begin