25 julho 2007

Unintended by Muse

You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You could be the one I'll always love
You could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitions
You could be the one I'll always love

I'll be there as soon as I can
But I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

First there was the one who challenged
All my dreams and all my balance
She could never be as good as you

You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You should be the one I'll always love

I'll be there as soon as I can
But I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

[tenho de me ouvir mais. esta voz de prudência e calma, de silêncio e passos calculados. sempre que me precipito nas ânsias engano-me no caminho... ainda não é hora e talvez nem seja este o caminho... continuo onde estava e onde se calhar quero continuar... até ao dia em que tudo esteja refeito]

17 julho 2007

Mercado Medieval de Óbidos 2007

A Terra e o Céu – O Homem e Deus
Religioso versus Supersticioso

Fé, milagres, bençãos, superstições, magia, feitiços, sortilégios, agoiros convivem no quotidiano da Idade Média. É o Mundo da Luz que se contrapõe ao Mundo das Trevas.
São santos e pessoas de virtude, mártires e ermitas que se confrontam com blasfemos, adivinhos, encantadores, magos aurispices, agoureiros e benzedeiros.
É tempo de charivaris, mas também de autos de fé, de penitências e indulgências, em paralelo com heresias e idolatria. Demologia e necromancia encontram repressão que envolve os alquimistas, astrólogos e bruxas. Amuletos valem tanto como as relíquias sagradas.
Homens e mulheres de todos os estratos sociais participam nas Festas dos Loucos e nos Sabats das Bruxas de igual modo do que em Teo Deos e outras celebrações religiosas.
É neste ambiente que decorre mais um Mercado Medieval em Óbidos, de 12 a 22 de Julho de 2007.

Um verdadeiro mergulho na História!

Esta é a apresentação para atrair turista! Desde logo soberba!
Mas nada iguala o que se entranha pelas ruas e vielas branqueadas, nas tascas rigorosamente concebidas, toscamente acabadas, nas ementas pormenorizadamente adaptadas. E o vento por entre as muralhas, e as ameias que tocam o céu... nada é acaso! Nem nós que percorremos as ruas, estas e não outras, que andamos nesta direcção, encontrando as almas suspensas nesta dimensão, encontradas na recriação! É tempo... somos medievais! We are dreaming on Middle Age (já dizia Umberto Eco)!

10 julho 2007

Putting Holes In Happiness

The sky was blonde like her
It was a day to take the child
Out back and shoot it.
I could have buried all my dead
Up in her cemetery head
She had dirty word witchcraft
I was in the deep end of her skin.
Then, it seemed like a one car car wreck
But I knew it was a horrid tragedy.
Ways to make the tiny satisfaction disappear.

Blow out the candles
On all my frankensteins.
At least my death wish will come true.
You taste like Valentine's and
We cry,
You're like a birthday.
I should have picked the photograph
It lasted longer than you.

Putting holes in happiness.
We'll paint the future black
If it needs any color.
My death sentence is a story
Who'll be digging when you finally let me die?
The romance of our assassination
If you're Bonnie, I'll be your Clyde.
But the grass is greener here and
I can see all of your snakes.
You wear your ruins well
Please run away with me to hell.

Blow out the candles
On all my frankensteins.
At least my death wish will come true.
You taste like Valentine's and
We cry,
You're like a birthday.
I should have picked the photograph
It lasted longer than you.

[sublime, tortuoso... previsível e doce... Marilyn Manson ainda me surpreende... e este álbum revela o seu lado mais 'manso'. Putting holes in Happiness é homenagem às asneiras que tenho feito ultimamente que me entristecem e isolam, e aos pensamentos demasiado torturadores. Just a Car Crash Away o hino ao amor; They said hell's not hot, porque provoca e claro... Heart-Shaped Glasses (When The Heart Guides The Hand), porque diz tudo (atenção video)]

03 julho 2007

Fools In Love - Inara George

Fools in love, well are there any other kind of lovers?
Fools in love, is there any other kind of pain?

Everything you do, everywhere you go now
Everything you touch, everything you feel
Everything you see, everything you know now
Everything you do, you do it for your lady
Love your lady, love your lady
Love your lady, love...

Fools in love, are there any creatures more pathetic?
Fools in love, never knowing when they've lost the game

Everything you do, everywhere you go now
Everything you touch, everything you feel
Everything you see, everything you know now
Everything you do, you do it for your lady
Love your lady, love your lady
Love your lady, love...

Fools in love they think they're heroes
'Cause they get to feel no pain
I say fools in love are zeros
I should know, I should know
Because this fool's in love again

Fools in love, gently hold each others hands forever
Fools in love, gently tear each other limb from limb